Baking, developing fine motor skills, learning geography, and finally eating cookies with jello (jelly) and whipped cream. What could possibly top that?!
We're going to bake a map of the world, learn the place of each continent and... eat it, of course.
Make in advance some blue jello. I couldn't find blue, so I settled for light-orange and added some blue food coloring. I call the result "ocean green" ;-) . Also add some whipped cream.
Download or print this schematic sketch of the continents, or draw your own. Note that I compromised the geographical preciseness in order to keep the cookies in a bakeable shape!... Cut out each of the paper continents.
Choose your favorite cookie recipe to prepare, flatten the dough,

put the paper continents on the flattened dough and cut the dough around each of them. You now have the world ready to be baked! It's a good idea to put each child's cookies on a baking paper with the child's name written on it (with a pencil), to easily tell which is whose.

Once the cookies are ready, put in front of each child a plate covered with blue jello, a small bowl of whipped cream, and, of course, the child's cookies.
Now let's see... where should each continent go? - You can print another map and leave it intact, to help with assembling the puzzle.

Now add ice to the poles, and... bon appetit!